American Expatriate Costa Rica

Quepos Hospital now has dermatology service

Parrita and Aguirre are two of the cantons where more people have skin problems. Therefore, the Max Teran Vals Hospital, in Quepos, opened the Dermatology Service on Monday.

Robert Vega, director of the hospital, said that the incorporation of this specialty is vital to solve 100% of the conditions in the local population.

Vega said that with this new service they will no longer have to refer patients to Monsignor Sanabria Hospital in Puntarenas.

The Max Terán Hospital increased the number of clinics available to the population, from 10 to 17. It also increased the recruitment of more specialists in dermatology, dentistry, gastroenterology, orthopedics and an emergency specialist.

In addition, the emergency service has a new resuscitation room with new equipment and it has a digital X-ray system, which speeds the attention as the images arrive directly where they are required.

In order to respond to emergencies faster, a classification system was used to prioritize them.

This is a peripheral hospital with 53 beds, two operating rooms and it provides care to about 43,000 people.