American Expatriate Costa Rica

The teacher who married her student must explain what happened

The 40-year-old teacher, who married her 15-year-old student during the past schools vacation, was notified about the process that the Department of Disciplinary Affairs from the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) started, in order to know what she has to say about the issue.

The situation took place in the Professional-Technical Private School of San Isidro, in Pérez Zeledón, where the woman was a professor in the department of Special Education and the minor was her student. The Ministry began an investigation and transfered the teacher to the Regional Directorate.

Sonia Marta Mora, Minister of Education, also requested an investigation from the College of Teachers in Literature, Philosophy, Sciences and Arts of Costa Rica (COLYPRO), in order to determine whether the teacher violated the code of ethics or not.

The teacher has 10 working days to give her explanations on the case. After that, authorities will decided what actions they should take.