American Expatriate Costa Rica

the VI Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Bioethics is being held in Costa Rica

the impact of current developments and practices of science, health and medicine of all people will be subjected to analysis and assessments by Latin American experts.

Scholars from Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and other countries in the region will meet in the VI Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Bioethics, which analyze issues on scientific, technological and humanistic fields, aiming to promote human rights.

The meeting will study the continental and global outlook due to the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, a document signed by 191 nations. It defines standards for the development of several scientific and biotechnological practices that affect life and human health.

It also foresees the ethical problems emerging for the inequality and injustice, marginalization, social exclusion, poverty and other issues that seriously violate human rights.

The Congress started on November 16th, with the presence of Minister of Health Fernando Llorca, who assured that Costa Rica has made progress regarding bioethics, since it has the Regulatory Law of Biomedical Research and its regulation.

The Minister also stated that there is the National Council on Health Research (CONIS) that aims to guarantee the quality of the researches and strict respect to human rights.