American Expatriate Costa Rica

Venezuelan government: “there wasn’t a coup d’etat in our country”

The Venezuelan government said that it was “false” that a coup d’état had been perpetrated in the country after the supreme court took over the powers of the vastly opposing parliament.

It is false that a coup d’etat has taken place in Venezuela. On the contrary, its institutions have adopted legal corrections to stop the deflected and coup action of the opposition parliamentarians, who were openly against the decisions “of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ),

the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The text rejected the wave of international condemnation of the TSJ ruling and it stated that it was a rush of intolerant and pro-imperialist right-wing governments, led by the US State Department and power centers.

The United States, the European Union and a dozen of Latin American countries, along with OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro, rejected the rupture of the constitutional order in Venezuela.

In addition, Almagro formally requested the OAS Permanent Council to convene an urgent session to evaluate the political crisis in that country.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodríguez plans to hand over a document to support the ruling.