American Expatriate Costa Rica

Court opens new disciplinary case against Celso Gamboa

On Thursday afternoon, the Court agreed to open a new disciplinary process against Judge Celso Gamboa Sánchez. This is the second investigation that is carried out at against the official.

Of the 20 judges present, 18 voted in favor of opening the file.

The court appointed judge Julia Varela, from the Second Chamber, as the case’s instructor.

The investigation is related to a complaint lodged by Judge Liz Maureen Tencio in 2015 against Judge Porfirio Sánchez and whose statements were dismissed by the Third Chamber, following a resolution signed by Celso Gamboa in March.

The first disciplinary proceeding has to do with allegations of Gamboa’s relationship with Chinese cement importer Juan Carlos Bolaños, and the instructor is magistrate Orlando Aguirre.

At the same meeting, the Court decided to close the case of Judge Porfirio Sánchez.