American Expatriate Costa Rica

Food bank donated food to Haitians located in the northern border

Rice, beans, milk, canned and essential items were donated by the Food Bank to the Haitian and foreigner population located in the northern border.

There are from one thousand to two thousand people assisted by the immigration authorities of the country in a camp set up for this emergency.

Miguel Chavarría, President of the Food Bank declared that they do not necessarily have the best conditions to be there. Authorities talked with them to see how they could help.

The aid represents an amount of 20 million colones in goods including rice, beans, milk, canned, oil, cereals, cornmeal and hygiene products such as liquid detergent, toothbrushes, soap powder and toothpaste.

The products will be delivered on October 21st to the camp where these victims are located.

The Food Bank of Costa Rica, recovers more than 140 monthly tons of food and essential goods in supermarkets, distributors and food producers.

This merchandise is collected, sorted and distributed among more than 260 organizations fighting extreme poverty in the country. There are near 36,000 people receiving this help.