American Expatriate Costa Rica

ICE could be in charge of the public works in Naranjo-Florencia route

The Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) has been authorized to develope, monitor and build a project in Punta Norte, Florencia-La Abundancia, tramo central, La Abundancia Sifón, Punta Sur and Sifón Naranjo sections of the Naranjo-Florence highway by the Legislative Assembly’s Legal Affairs Committee.

But if ICE decides to participate in the roadworks, it should ensure that its regular responsibilities are not going to be negatively affected. It has also been established that ICE cannot finance the work and must formalize its services through institutional arrangements, strategic alliances or any other similar mechanisms with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT) or any other institutions that could require it.

The project El Naranjo-Florencia is of great importance for the country. Communities such as San Carlos, Upala, Guatuso and Los Chiles are going to be greatly benefited. In addition, it will be a great relief for traffic problems,”

said Nidia Vásquez Jiménez, legislator from Acción Ciudadana (PAC) party.