American Expatriate Costa Rica

Little girl helped Duke

Duke is recovering from a brutal attack: a person slashed its snout with a machete. However, the dog received a moving visit.

A 7-year-old girl named Lucía, arrived to the vet center where Duke is being looked after. She was crying and donated all her savings to help the puppy.

We have received hundreds of signs of love and support. A few hours ago we had an incredible gesture that touched our hearts. A 7-year-old girl arrived by bus with her mother and donated all her savings to help our dear warrior Duke,

published Vida Animal on its Facebook page.

María Jesús Mesalles, Vida Animal director, said that Lucía is just a little girl and she is very affected by the horrible aggression Duke suffered.

It was impressive, dear friends, these actions fill our hearts with joy and hope, children are our future and animals are part of our society. Thank you very much, Lucía and and thanks so much to her beloved mother Xinia,

they added on their Facebook page.