American Expatriate Costa Rica

Many believers have started the Romería

July 25th was a reason for many Virgin Mary’s believers to start the Romería to Basílica Los Ángeles in Cártago.

As a result, traffic police intensified its operations in certain parts of the road that connects San José with Vieja Metrópoli in order to protect the pilgrims.

Mario Calderón, Traffic director, explained that since July 22nd more police and surveillance staff is being employed because of the Romería.

A great amount of people is expected days before August 2nd: Virgen de los Ángeles Day.

If you are making the Romería, please follow these recommendations in order to avoid road accidents:

Pedestrians: use clear and flashy clothes.
Drivers: be aware of the news and information regarding pilgrims’ behavior.
Pedestrians: only use the old route to Tres Ríos, avoid walking through the Florencio del Castillo Highway because the speed limits are not convenient.
Drivers: extreme caution.