American Expatriate Costa Rica

Social network users are getting tricked

According to a survey conducted by Eset Latin America security firm, 30% of social network users clicked misleading publications, 35% experienced an incident of malware or spam and 15% were victims of phishing (personal information theft).

This means that 1 out of 3 users were infected with some kind of malicious code through social engineering campaigns used by cybercriminals to steal information, control the infected system or acquire passwords from the victim.

On the other hand, misleading publications are attacks lurking for unsuspecting users who perform involuntary publications from their profiles.

The consultation was held by Eset during July among members of the community in order to know what security incidents are the most common.

To prevent personal information from being in the wrong hands, it is recommended to pay attention to publications and avoid suspicious links or disreputable websites.

The survey revealed that 88.1% people use networks to read news, 86.9% to communicate with family and friends, 80.6% to share content. 56% to share photos, videos or texts of their own authorship; 45% use them to share personal information and 38% to work with related information.