American Expatriate Costa Rica

Zika gave a slight truce in September

Only 31 national cases of Zika were reported in the last week of September, making the number of patients with the virus reach 1222. Apparently, there is a slowing trend in positive diagnoses, according to the report by the Ministry of Health, released on  October 5th.

There are 48 pregnant women with the disease, and one of them is listed as a probable case, because she apparently had the virus  but not trace of it was found in the tests.

The same thing happened with a patient from Puntarenas who was treated due to Guillain Barré Syndrome. The man is currently discharged from the hospital, but he is under physical therapy and neurological observation.

Zika is a virus transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes. But it  can also be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

The symptoms include joint pain, rash, conjunctivitis and fever and could also lead to muscle pain and headaches. Babies whose mothers had the virus during pregnancy suffer more serious consequences, such as microcephaly.