American Expatriate Costa Rica

Stress is as bad for your intestines as junk food

Eating fast foods loaded with fat is as bad for your intestines as the stress you are exposed in your daily life.

Concerns about financial issues, work pressure, couple problems and everyday struggles weigh on your shoulders and also on your digestion. A new study reveals that stress is as harmful to health as that junk food we avoid eating.

Stress, according to researchers, changes the bacterial flora of the intestine and causes it to behave as it does when the person eats a diet high in fat.

The research from the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Biology at Brigham Young University points out that stress prevents us from having good digestion and the body reacts as if you were eating fried chicken, hamburgers and potatoes.

So if you want to stop suffering from stomach pains and lose weight, it is better -in addition to diet and exercise- to seek relaxation techniques.