As part of the campaign that began last August against street harassment, 15 bus drivers from Rápidos Heredianos, received training on this issue and another 42 bus drivers are expected to be trained next year, for a total of 57 drivers.
The campaign aims to inform and empower women on this issue. It is an initiative by the group Peras del Olmo and has the backing of the National Institute for Women (INAMU), the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MOPT) and the Ombudsman.
As reported by the INAMU, they are talking with more companies to start preparing more workshops.
Cristina Trejos, a psychologist and member of Peras del Olmo, said the campaign is not over and that thanks to the first spots that were placed on buses in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GAM), they are working on other advertising capsules for other public spaces.
The training will discuss how to handle complaints, and how to handle harassment on the bus, the types of harassment and reactions, because the driver becomes a participatory body of the situation,”
said Trejos.
The representative said they hope to have new capsules with new issues next year.
We want to get out of the bus, we want to show situations in a park, in the central market, we want to show situations of harassment among different people,”
said Trejos.