Courtesy of Aliarse para el Desarrollo
On Friday, farmers from the southern area received a boost for sustainable cocoa production, thanks to an alliance between the Agriculture and Livestock Ministry (MAG) and some private organizations.
This will strengthen sustainable cocoa production by 300%. The plan is to train and provide support to those who grow the fruit in Corredores, Golfito and Osa.
During the first half of the year, the project built three nurseries with 24,000 plants, 3 clonal gardens with 20 different clones each and 18 demonstration sections,”
said the organization Aliarse para el Desarollo in a statement.
Genetic testing to improve production and improve the quality of cocoa will be fostered and the farmers will receive the genetic material, supplies and specialized equipment to have a higher added value.
The project is included in the concept of the program Tejiendo Desarrollo (Weaving Development) led by the First Lady of the Republic, Mercedes Peñas.