The scene of houses destroyed with useless toys covered in mud iis the most common in Upala, Bagaces and La Cruz de Guanacaste. Hurricane Otto not only took 10 lives and left hundreds of people homeless. It also took away the joy of many children from the affected areas.
That is why a campaign aims to make hundreds of children smile again by giving toys to them for Christmas. It was Pablo Castillo’s idea. He is member of the Red Cross of Liberia.
What I experienced is devastating: to see little ones playing in the mud with what was left of their old toys. If such a tragedy affects me as an adult, for children, it is even worse. That’s why we want to bring more than clothes and food and make them happy again,”
stated Castillo.
The gifts should be for children aged 0 to 12 years old, they should not be warlike nor battery-operated. Ideally they should be wrapped and labeled to indicate whether it is for a boy or a girl and the age range.
We will enable toy-donation centers in all the provinces and then we will distribute them in the affected areas so that every child receives a gift. For the people who cannot deliver the toys to the centers, the company Novus Messaging will help us by free shipping the donations,“
added Castillo.
The distribution of toys will be held on December 18th, so the donations will be received until December 16th.
For more information, contact Pablo Castillo at 8563 2278 or through the following Facebook page: Accidentes Guanacaste.