Courtesy of Coopecaja
115 homeless people who use the streets of downtown San José as their home had a very particular morning on Saturday.
They woke up and, unlike other days, there was breakfast, clean clothes and even a doctor waiting for them, thanks to the work of 35 officials from Coopecaja.
We even had second helpings”
said Roberto Ojeda, who has been living in the street for 2 years and was delighted with the flavor of gallo pinto, which was served with eggs and coffee.
The group of homeless people also received clothing, bedding and even had the opportunity to have a medical exam with the medical team of the same cooperative.
This is not only about giving them food, but also giving them a little attention, providing medical attention and bringing personal care items and shelter,”
said María Fernanda Torres, head of Social Responsibility of Coopecaja.
The activity was held from 8 to 11 a.m. in Parque Los mercaditos, located near the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA).
It was a very nice activity, we are eternally grateful to them (…) I am very happy because they took care of my comrades,”
said Ojeda.
Dayana Campos, one of the doctors who participated in the activity, said she found many problems in the skin and anxiety disorders.
Since 2015, this is the third time that Coopecaja performs this activity with the inhabitants of the streets.