Centro de Rescate La Marina
A margay that was forced to hunt on farms due to the lack of food in its habitat, was aided by a farmer right when hit was about to be killed before they killed him.
The capture took place last Thursday in Los Angeles de Pital, San Carlos, after a farmer in the area managed to catch the animal that had hunted several hens on his property.
The feline was captured in an area attacked by poachers and illegal hunters.
The habitat of the animal has been populated or consumed by fires. Hence, it turned to farms and domestic animals.
After the capture, the margay was taken to the La Marina Rescue Center in San Carlos, where it was determined that the animal would be about 4 years old and in good health conditions. Therefore, it was immediately released on Golfito de SarapiquÃ.
Now, a large protected area with plenty of animals and streams became its new, so authorities hope the release is a success.
La Marina Rescue Center indicated that thanks to their efforts to release wild animals back in their natural habitat in recent years, they have managed to free 16 felines such as jaguars, pumas, margays, oncillas among other species.