Dozens of people attended the State College of Israel, in San Antonio de Coronado. | JULIANA BARQUERO
Regardless of whether the President is Luis Guillermo Solís opposition or Johnny Araya, the success of the new legislature depends on the political parties negotiating with each other. Otherwise, Congress would fall into paralysis. If Araya wins, he will have 18 members of his National Liberation Party (PLN) to count on among the legislature. The number is an all time low for the PLN. If Solis wins, he will rule with only 13 members of his Citizen Action Party (PAC). There will be a total of four blocks, after counting the 9 members of the Frente Amplio, and 8 from the Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC).
An advisor to candidate Araya was quoted as saying that the leading the new legislature will be like, “herding cats into Parque Sabana”.